Eventually, high-ranking officials insisted the creators, brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov, to hand over their encryption key to ensure total control of the shared content. They said, “No.” That said, Telegram remains one of the most popular apps in Russia even though you can’t access it with a Russian IP address.
How a VPN Works With Telegram
Short for Virtual Private Network, a VPN encrypts and reroutes your internet traffic through its own remote servers, which are based all around the globe. This allows you to connect to the internet in your home country while visiting Russia for work or a vacation. This includes messaging apps like Telegram. While you should exercise caution if you decide to use a VPN within Russia’s borders, you likely won’t be prosecuted for doing so. The common practice is that Russia fights VPNs by technologically blocking the services, and not by chasing after foreigners who use them. Remember that the protection of a VPN doesn’t give you license to commit illegal acts. To access Telegram:
The Best VPNs for Telegram in Russia
All VPNs offer a great way to hide your actual location. However, these services are the best if you want to access your Telegram account.
1. ExpressVPN
Key Features: ExpressVPN offers anyone within Russian borders a way to access their Telegram account without restriction. With a no-logs policy, users can be confident their online activity goes unreported to local authorities. The 256-bit AES encryption protects your data and ensures your activity remains private and anonymous. You can be sure of fast connections when using ExpressVPN. This service has more than 3,000 servers in over 94 countries, so there are no issues with lag due to server overcrowding. Try ExpressVPN risk-free
2. CyberGhost VPN
Key Features: CyberGhost VPN uses 256-bit AES encryption with a no-logs assurance to shield the online activities of its customers. Unlike some of its competitors, CyberGhost has a malware blocker to keep out suspicious programs. It has more than 9.500 servers in over 91 nations with applications for all major operating systems as well as mobile devices and internet browsers. Try CyberGhost risk-free
3. Private Internet Access (PIA)
Key Features: Private Internet Access has a no-logs policy to keep unwanted third parties from demanding user information. The 256-bit AES encryption prevents others from intercepting the data stream while you browse. This provider also has 35,000+ servers in more than 84 countries and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Try PIA risk-free!
Final Thoughts
Not all VPNs work for every user. Many of these services offer a money-back guarantee or limited free trials to help you ensure you are making the right choice. We suggest you experiment with different VPNs to ensure you are getting the service you desire and can access your favorite sites, content, and apps.